Tablepop A: Magical Hedron

Tablepop A: Magical Hedron

A special mini-episode of Tablepop, where we talk about a special thing each. Mitch talks about his experience as a Magic: The Gathering initiate (1:00-16:30) and Jason talks about the ideas behind his game Hedron (16:35 – end), now on Kickstarter. Please forgive, Jason’s poor explanation of Star Trek races and our failure to work out what the plural of appendix is.


6 thoughts on Tablepop A: Magical Hedron

  1. Aaron Lim says:

    That was really interesting hearing Mitch’s take on Magic from the eyes of a completely fresh, new player. From someone who’s played on and off for a while, there’s a lot that I realised I take for granted about the game. Even stuff like the flavour of the colours, which have been refined as the game has grown.

    1. kotzur says:

      Did you enjoy my “So they’re, like, druids?” comments?

      1. Aaron Lim says:

        Haha yeah. Druids actually figure quite heavily in Green for Magic, since most of the mana-ramp creatures are flavoured as druids pulling out more mana out of the land. Did you use to play?

        1. kotzur says:

          Thought it was obvious that I haven’t. I just relate everything to D&D classes. I did test a couple of decks with Mitch after the recording, though, and I could feel the pull, but Netrunner + X-Wing is more than enough for me.

          1. Aaron Lim says:

            Well, you seemed passingly familiar with it so I thought you might have played it a bit before, but I guess you can’t avoid knowing a bit about it being in the tabletop gaming world. I don’t play regularly anymore either, but I love the breadth of the system. When I do play, it’s usually Multiplayer Cube Draft. The Cube Draft concept is a great one for budget players, since you can build a workable set of cards to draft from quite easily without chasing down expensive rares. (In theory, but I’ve spent a decent amount on my personal Cube :p)

            Interestingly, Netrunner was originally designed by Richard Garfield, designer of Magic. Man has a great hit rate.

          2. kotzur says:

            As well as the polarising King of Tokyo. He’s definitely a switched on guy. If you’re into game design, this talk is pretty great; the concept of Rando-Chess was something that I often thought about with Hedron.

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